Princess Diana at 50: Newsweek’s creepy cover!

Princess Diana at 50 - If She Were Here Now - Newsweek Magazine

Yes, Princess Diana would have turned fifty-years-old this month, and it’s interesting to speculate about what she’d be like these days but Newsweek‘s latest cover with a digitally aged Di standing next to her daughter-in-law Kate Middleton is just plain creepy and in very poor taste! Girlfriend must be rolling over in her grave, I know she would look a lot better right now than the magazine envisioned her, she looks awful! Shame on them for this disrespectful cover, to read the accompanying article by Tina Brown, click here.

Princess Diana at 50 - If She Were Here Now - Newsweek Magazine

About MICHAEL KNUDSEN 5715 Articles
MK (Michael Knudsen) first started PopBytes back in September of 2003—while trying to make a website for his design portfolio, the site quickly turned into one of the premiere online destinations for all things pop culture! A native New Yorker, he currently resides in Los Angeles with his partner Ivan along with four dogs, four cats and two parrots. Follow him on Twitter @PopBytes.