good morning! this weekend ms. rumer willis (daughter of bruce willis & demi moore) lands on the cover of page six magazine (a supplement to the NY post sunday newspaper) she also turns twenty years old tomorrow (the same day madonna turns the big 5-0) i think people have been unnecessarily mean when it comes to rumer – there’s really no reason for it – she appears to be a decent gal with her head screwed on straight and has managed to stay out of trouble – she’s certainly no paris hilton or lindsay lohan (where jokes come a dime per dozen) when a certain person scrawls the words ‘potato head’ over her picture – that’s totally the best example ever of the pot calling the kettle black! you won’t catch me making a ‘leave rumer alone’ video but i think people need to think twice before taking cheap shots at her – there’s so many other people who deserved to be made fun of before her! popbytes over & out for now…xxoo
on her parents’ split and the media’s relentless criticism of people in the public eye: it’s shocking how unbelievably mean people are–not just the people who are writing stuff, the people who make comments. for awhile i read that stuff, and it was upsetting, i’d get really down on myself, which is debilitating,” she says. “now i think, ‘do you really have nothing better to do than talk shit about me?’
on rumors that she’s gay: if people call me a lesbian because i have short hair and i wear jeans instead of dresses, then by all means, run with it. i think it’s hilarious. i like guys.
on the pitfalls that have plagued her peers: sure, i have my issues, but i’m not in rehab. i’m not in crazy debt. i like the fact that i didn’t just get my ged, but i graduated from high school. a lot of it has to do with my parents. they have a desire to keep us [kids] grounded and give us a normal upbringing.
on ashton kutcher: he’s so cool. he definitely is a father-slash-older brother figure, but at the same time i can still go out with him and have an amazing time. we all have so much fun together. i’m so lucky. my dad and ashton get along – it’s not weird. there’s no jealousy or drama. if we weren’t all entirely morally opposed to doing a reality show, i guarantee it would be the best-selling reality show ever.