Russell Brand doesn’t want Katy Perry’s money!

Russell Brand and Katy Perry

So despite the fact that Katy Perry and Russell Brand‘s marriage ended after only 14 months, and was due in large part to the fact that Katy’s parents think Lucky the Leprechaun is the devil and that he can only be defeated by random meaningless jibber-jabber, it seems that the whole divorce thing might be totally amicable after all, with Russell refusing to take any of Katy’s money. Wow, did a Hollywood divorce just end without either party trying to destroy the other with reality TV or racism allegations? SHOCKED. SHOCKED I SAY. TMZ reports:

Informed sources tell TMZ … Russell and Katy did NOT have a prenup. As a result, everything they earned during their 14-month marriage is community property — which means they’re each entitled to 50% of the pot. Katy made $44 million between May, 2010 and May, 2011 — according to Forbes. The couple married in October, 2010, so Russell could have scored a fortune if he exercised his community property rights. But here’s the deal. As one source put it, “This divorce is as amicable as it gets, and Russell was a mensch (Yiddish for a good person).” He doesn’t want Katy’s money. He’s happy to walk away with the money he earned — which is far less than what Katy raked in.

Well, I really have to hand it to the two of them for not turning this into one huge ugly battle. I know a lot of people who seem to think that breakups are some sort of contact sport and that the winner is the one who manages to be the bigger dick to the other, so seeing someone not try and screw someone else over for millions of dollars actually makes me hopeful for humanity. At least until I write about Kim Kardashian‘s divorce next and that tiny ember is snuffed out faster than you can say “piss-soaked whore.”

Russell Brand and Katy Perry

About JEREMY FEIST 4832 Articles
Jeremy Feist is an (ahem) entertainer from Toronto, Canada. He writes, acts, and performs on stage, and has been a writer for Popbytes for almost three years now. He lives in Toronto with his boyfriend, his incredibly dumb but cute puppy, and his immortal cat.