Russell Brand was banned from Canada?

Russell Brand

So Russell Brand was slated to perform a show at Casino Rama here in Ontario because people in casinos are morons and will spend money on just about anything. Anyway, he was forced to cancel the gig after tweeting about how he wasn’t allowed into Canada, which puts him roughly on par with Caligula and any Michael Lucas movie involving piss. I never really thought I would compare those three things either, yet here we are. Anyway, it turns out that Brand’s plane was just messed up and the whole ‘banned from Canada’ thing was just a really weird joke that lacked any sort of set-up or punchline. Kind of like any Dane Cook bit. According to The Hollywood Reporter:

“HELP! I’m gonna be late for Casino Rama show unless someone can force Canadian customs officials to let us land in Orillia!” he announced. Then around 6 p.m., just hours before he was due on stage at Casino Rama, Brand, using the moniker @rustyrockets, posted yet again: “I’m sorry. I can’t enter Canada. We must abolish the borders between our nations AND our minds.” It turns out Brand’s airplane never left Los Angeles due to unspecified mechanical problems. “Ok all, let’s be clear, @rustyrockets is still in Cali, he never left, he has no immigration or border issue, it was a tech issue with plane!,” Casino Rama announced on its own Twitter account.

Wait wait wait … I’m confused here. Usually jokes have this thing where someone rambles on a bit in order to set the joke up, and follows it with the crux of the joke, a one-liner meant to make people laugh. As opposed to this joke, which is basically just saying some random assy thing and then pointing to a sign that says “laugh, you fucking sheep”. Not sure that’s how comedy works. You can’t just say some crazy unfunny thing and then call it humor. I mean yes, I know Carlos Mencia somehow managed to squeeze four seasons of a show out of that concept, but he had to suck all the dicks for that one. His saliva is just semen at this point.

Russell Brand

About JEREMY FEIST 4832 Articles
Jeremy Feist is an (ahem) entertainer from Toronto, Canada. He writes, acts, and performs on stage, and has been a writer for Popbytes for almost three years now. He lives in Toronto with his boyfriend, his incredibly dumb but cute puppy, and his immortal cat.