Ryan Murphy talks about AHS’s third season!

American Horror Story

So. This season of FX’s American Horror Story: Asylum: Best thing ever? YES. Okay, yes, I thought the mutant storyline kinda petered out before things ever went to a really coherent place, as did the mystery of Arden’s tiny unit, but still, everything else has just been running on all cylinders, especially when it came to that super awesome “The Name Game” number. Anyway, after a so-far stellar second season, Ryan Murphy spoke to Entertainment Weekly about the upcoming third season …

You said that next year will be lighter. Is that still the case?

I mean, I don’t think anything could ever be as dark as the mental health care system in our country. I sorta feel like for the third version I want to do something that’s a little bit more “evil glamour.” Just something that’s a little bit more…one of the things that I missed this season was I really loved having that Romeo & Juliet youth story with Violet and Tate. I want something like that again and we’re doing something like that in the third season. And we’re contemplating shooting the show in a different place. We’re contemplating shooting it in a place in the country where true horror has been. We’ve got lots of delicious plans.

All right, here’s the part where we make baseless guesses: Apparently, the last episode contained a brief hint as to next season’s plot. Currently, the reigning fan theory is that when Sister Mary played Screaming Jay Hawkins‘ “I Put A Spell On You,” it was a subtle nod to witchcraft or voodoo, and I would love to see a season based out of Salem or New Orleans. There’s also a possibility that Pepper’s speech about freaks could mean a season based around circus freaks, which would also be great. Either way, as long as we get another season of American Horror Story, I’m happy.

American Horror Story

About JEREMY FEIST 4832 Articles
Jeremy Feist is an (ahem) entertainer from Toronto, Canada. He writes, acts, and performs on stage, and has been a writer for Popbytes for almost three years now. He lives in Toronto with his boyfriend, his incredibly dumb but cute puppy, and his immortal cat.