Earlier today, the 2013 Grammy nominations were announced, and in a shocking move, the two acts who got the most nominations were the most talented ones who made the best albums. I know, crazy right? Conversely, Justin Bieber earned exactly … oh yes, zero nominations. I wonder why that is? Anyway, Scooter Braun (Justin’s manager) is not going to take this one sitting down, and has fired back at the Grammys in the most rational, dignified and professional way possible: Twitter.
first…congrats to @carlyraejepsen . thought u deserved a best new artist nom, but proud Call Me Maybe got u 2 noms. so proud of u. second….this time there wont be any wise words, no excuses, I just plain DISAGREE. The kid deserved it. Grammy board u blew it on this one the hardest thing to do is transition, keep the train moving. the kid delivered. Huge succesful album, sold out tour, and won people over… …this time he deserved to be recognized and I dont really have any kind nice positive things to say about a decision i dont agree with. so to all those nominated…you do deserve it. You worked hard and u earned it. Just feel like so did JB. To his fans…looks like we get to stay the underdog a little longer. #BRINGIT I got a lot more I can say but for now….Im gonna leave it at that. Congrats to all those who got nominated including our own CRJ life is long, with many ups and downs, but we get to keep going, everyday brings a new opportunity. NOTHING GREAT EVER CAME EASY.
Yes, Justin, the multi-millionaire white boy, is the underdog here. Suck it, everyone out there who actually writes their own song and spends years putting themselves out there, shaping themselves as artists, because Justin is going to make it some day! But in all seriousness, you didn’t get a Grammy nomination. It happens. It sucks. But throwing a hissy fit on Twitter isn’t really going to endear you to the board now will it?