UPDATE: Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez are back together (for now)
Ever since they started dating, there’s been a rumor floating around that Selena Gomez was really only staying with Justin Bieber because he was more famous than her, and their cutesy-poo romance was good for image. I say “rumor” because if this story for TMZ is any indication, she was not willing to stay around in a failed relationship for the sake of fame, to the point where she’s completely cutting off all contact with Justin.
Sources familiar with the situation tell TMZ … Selena wants no contact with Justin, so whatever they tried hashing out during their sit-down last Sunday didn’t work. She has blocked her phone (which includes texting). For some reason, she’s still following Justin on Twitter, but we’re told she’s blocked him on all forms of contact. And … we’ve learned … the breakup absolutely, positively involved another woman — though our sources didn’t know which one. There’s been speculation that it’s a Victoria’s Secret model. We don’t know for sure if it’s her, but we know it involves another woman.
All right, completely oblivious men, I’m going to lay this one out for you as clear and plainly as I possibly can: When they cut off all means of contacting you? It’s over. There’s no romantic get together on the horizon. You cannot do a last minute reconciliation at the airport, you cannot hold a boom box outside of their window, you cannot make out on a dock in the rain. It’s done. Over. And you need to move on with your life … maybe with a Victoria’s Secret model?