So apparently, Lady Gaga decided to blast Kelly Osbourne and Joan Rivers‘ E! show, Fashion Police, because apparently there’s no difference between the systematic bullying of a helpless kid until they do something drastic and making fun of things celebs wear. Well, after Gaga publicly shamed someone with less clout than her without a single trace of irony, ‘Little Monsters’ started sending hate mail and death threats to Kelly, once again without a trace of irony. So finally, Sharon Osbourne rightfully fired back via Facebook, calling out Gaga for being a hypocritical opportunist. Via TMZ:
Ms. Gaga
I am responding to your open letter to my daughter Kelly and I m perplexed as to why you would go public with an open letter. Regarding this current situation; Kelly didn’t contact you, I was the one that contacted your manager today and the email is attached below for your reference.
I reached out to him as Kelly’s manager and mother to ask him if you could address your “little monster” fans and stop them from writing libelous, slanderous and vile comments about my family including death threats to Kelly. Your open letter is hypocritical and full of contradictions. And as your mother Cynthia supports you, I support my daughter Kelly. I must say your opinions on what is politically correct and acceptable totally differ from mine, but that is what makes the world so interesting… we are all different. How sweet that you have empathy for my daughter as you feel that she has taken a less passionate path in life. You say her work on E! with the Fashion Police is “rooted in criticism, judgment, and rating people’s beauty against one another.”
Welcome to the real world.
Example, when I saw you wear a dress made out of raw meat, I was sickened. When I see you wearing fur and you use it as a fashion statement, that defenseless animals have been killed so you can get your picture in the press is abhorrent to me. Shouldn’t you be teaching your “little monster” fans to respect animals and life? I don’t feel I have to justify Kelly’s choices in life to you.
By your actions to Kelly right now, you have shown me that you are nothing more than a publicly seeking hypocrite and an attention seeker. You know it would have been much more dignified of you to do this privately. I am calling you a bully because you have 32 million followers hanging on your every word and you are criticizing Kelly in your open letter. Are you so desperate that you needed
to make this public?You state “Everyday, through my music and public voice I choose to be positive and work towards a kinder and braver world with our community of followers.” Well this obviously is not translating well to your fans as a large portion of them, not only have been vile to Kelly but also other celebrities such as Madonna, Adele and Rihanna. “You say a kinder, braver world” I don’t know what world you live in but supporting disgraceful fan comments doesn’t fall under the words “kinder and braver” it comes under the heading of bullsh*t.
In closing, stop wearing fur, stop looking for publicity and stop using your fans to belittle not just Kelly but an endless stream of celebrities. A word from you would stop all this hideous, negative and vile threats from your “little monsters.” Let me know if you want to continue this debate. I’m an open playing field for you my darling.
Sharon Osbourne
3:39 pm
A couple thoughts on this:
- Stop comparing people making jokes about celebrities to real world bullying. There is a difference between a comedian making fun of a multi-millionaire celebrity who could buy and sell said comedian on the black market, and a group of people ganging up on a helpless kid.
- You can’t claim that you oppose bullying, and then encourage bullying by blind-siding someone less powerful than you and then supporting a group who sends your target messages that they should kill themselves. In fact, if you think you’re a scrappy underdog because you support the most popular multi-millionaire in the world… I hate to break it to you, but you’re not the scrappy underdog. You are well in the majority on that one.
- The more I actually see Lady Gaga carry herself in public, the more obvious it is that Lady Gaga isn’t concerned about bullying, so much as she doesn’t want anyone to criticize her. Remember when she deflected rumours about her weight by saying that Adele was fatter than her? And the fact that she only went after a comedy show when they made fun of her? That’s disingenuous as hell. The fact of the matter is, Lady Gaga’s just trying to shame anyone who criticizes her, and then tries to couch it in anti-bullying sentiment. Lady Gaga’s made an entire career out of offering shallow, half-hearted platitudes to impressionable kids because those are the only people who still buy albums. Pretending she’s some sort of humanitarian, rather than a cold, calculating opportunist, does a huge disservice to people who are actually out there trying to stop kids from committing suicide over bullying. If you really want to stop bullying, give your support to suicide prevention hotlines and programs, not to some reductive celebrity.