Earlier this week, news got out that Kris Jenner was allegedly being extorted over a ‘sex tape.’ Except that Kris claimed the tape didn’t exist, and I kind of believe her because anyone who saw such a tape would have died in seven days. Now RadarOnline released an interview with the guy who claims to have the tape, and by the sound of it, he doesn’t exactly have the clearest endgame in mind here …
“She knew about this sex tape and did not want it out,” he added, as to why the pair was talking via phone. “It was about the sex tape and she doesn’t want it out, so yes, I have contacted her lots of times.” The man also categorically denied he was guilty of extortion. “That is totally false,” Troy said. “Nobody has extorted money or asked to extort money from her. There is no money exchange.”
When asked why he had not yet offered proof of the tape’s existence, which he said was filmed at the Beverly Hilton Hotel, Troy said: “I am not (making it up) … I have the sex tape on my hard drive. It goes for a high price. I just can’t release a sex tape. It is a million dollar sex tape.”
Here’s what confuses me though: The guy isn’t trying to extort Kris out of money, and if he wanted to just sell it to Vivid he would have done so by now, so by the looks of it, his plan here is to try and goad her into releasing the sex tape on her own terms? I don’t know. I just feel like he didn’t plan this one out the way he thought he did. I’m just saying, maybe if she had a new show coming out and she needed to plug it, he might have a chance, but he’s kind of painted himself into a corner here, assuming this thing even exists.