Sure, most people have written off that Nicki Minaj / Mariah Carey feud as a publicity stunt by now conjured up by American Idol producers, but apparently Stevie Nicks is really committing to this one. In an interview with The Daily to promote her new documentary, In Your Dreams, Stevie basically told reporters in no uncertain terms that she would have straight-up murdered Nicki or any other foul mouthed up-and-comer for sassing her. Or for “Turn Me On.” That song is just dreadful.
Last season on American Idol, Stevie Nicks was a coach for the contestants. But she says she’s glad she’s not involved this year, now that smack-talking Nicki Minaj is there. Weighing on the rapper’s recent outburst against Carey, Nicks said, “How dare this little girl! … If I had been Mariah I would have walked over to Nicki and strangled her to death right there.” Sitting poolside in East Hampton New York promoting her new documentary, In Your Dreams, the still stunning 64-year-old is on a rock and a roll. “I would have killed her in front of all those people and had to go to jail for it,” the former Fleetwood Mac star promised.
Actually, I really don’t think she’s kidding. I’m not sure if you know this, but being in Fleetwood Mac had a tendency to make people … well, insane. Crazy. Nuts. Sure, their songs may sound all cute and folksy, but have you heard of some of the stuff that went down between these guys? Yeah. Do not mess with a group of singing hillbillies is what I’m saying, because they will down a bottle of moonshine and smash it over your head if you do.