Tales from Alexander Skarsgard’s penis!

Alexander Skarsgård

Since we’ve already dedicated one post today to Christina Hendricks‘ tits, which will heretofore be known as Boobageddon: Beyond the Tittiedome, I figured I might as well balance things out by posting about how True Blood hottie Alexander Skarsgård lost his virginity (but not really) and how he’s actually totally charming and self-effacing when it comes to his career. Us Weekly reports:

And yet, when Men’s Journal quizzes Alexander Skarsgård about when he lost his virginity, the October cover boy deadpans: “That was 2008, I think. Best eight seconds of my life.” Though he’s been named Sweden’s Sexiest Man five times running, the 35-year-old doesn’t take the title too seriously. “Every single day, I wake up and look in the mirror and think, ‘Five times, mother–ker. Five times.'” All kidding aside, the Straw Dogs star says he hopes to one day be recognized for his talents — and not just his model good looks. “You tend to get a lot of offers that are, like, the hot guy,” Skarsgård tells Men’s Journal. “And those parts aren’t very fun. I hope there’s something more to me than my pecs.”

Yes, there is more to you Alexander than your pecs. There’s also your biceps, triceps, abs, ass, face, schlong … and you have a wonderful personality, I’m sure. In a completely unrelated note, Skarsgård is up here in Toronto for TIFF, which means I have to go track him down and convince him to switch teams, it doesn’t count if you’re on vacation!

Alexander Skarsgård

About JEREMY FEIST 5002 Articles
Jeremy Feist is an (ahem) entertainer from Toronto, Canada. He writes, acts, and performs on stage, and has been a writer for Popbytes for almost three years now. He lives in Toronto with his boyfriend, his incredibly dumb but cute puppy, and his immortal cat.