There were a lot of big winners at last night’s Golden Globes, and a lot of not-winners too. But I think we can all agree who the biggest loser last night: Taylor Swift. She just got railed last night, didn’t she? To be fair, when you’re the girl who breaks up with half of Hollywood and then writes songs about them, you probably shouldn’t be too surprised when Hollywood calls you out on it. So here’s what happened: it started when Taylor lost out on the Best Original Song award to Adele‘s Bond theme Skyfall, and the cameras caught her making this stink-face…
Did you see that? Look, I know she was doing her best to smile, but you cannot mask that kind of hatred in your eyes. Is Adele peanut butter? Because Taylor was JELLY. Anyway, later on in the night, Tina Fey and Amy Poehler did a bit where they acted drunk and read the audience for filth, including one moment where Tina finally called out Taylor for the whole “love ’em and leave ’em” style of songwriting she’s employed.
Ooooo, stay down girl, stay down. The fact of the matter is when Tina and Amy read you, you just have to take it and accept it. But still, poor Taylor, you just got READ FOR TOTAL FILTH.