Yesterday, the Kardashian family revealed their annual Kristmas Kard, and it was … well, sh!t. It’s basically one huge pile of violently expelled human excrement artfully arranged by David LaChapelle WHO IS ABOVE THIS. As it turns out, it takes a lot of money to get David to make a tableau decrying the hypocrisy of American excess that you thrive upon, because the entire thing apparently cost $250,000 to shoot. They could have used that money to buy a family a nice house in a good city, but NOPE! Tacky fugly Kristmas Kard. You horribly demon family. RadarOnline reports …
The elaborate photo shoot took “three days just to put the set together. David was extremely involved in all details of the set installation. It was Kim’s idea to get David to do the family photo Christmas picture,” a family insider told Radar. “At first, David balked because he does photo shoots for major magazines, but Kim convinced him to do it. It wasn’t a cheap photo shoot, and the production company of Keeping Up With The Kardashians paid the $250,000 invoice. Hair, make-up, wardrobe, were all paid for by production, and the Kardashians didn’t pay one dime for their Christmas card!”
Story time! Last night, I had to explain from a bunch of non-gossip blogger friends why the Kardashians are famous, and it occurred to me: Some day, we will have to explain the Kardashians to our kids. We will have to sit them down, look them in the eyes and say, “Well little Timmy, once upon a time, Lucifer got a face-lift and started gold-digging and social climbing by marrying richer, more famous men. Eventually, she got her daughters a reality TV show that no one watched until she filmed one of them getting peed on and released it onto the market. Long story short, they gamed our obsession with celebrity culture, and that’s why the machines took over. Now quiet, little Timmy! Deathbot 5000 approaches!”