It’s no secret that we’re not the biggest fans of That Tequila Bitch here at Popbytes. And by that I mean I regularly ask her to go as far away from society as humanely possible so that we never have to see her fugly little troll-slut face ever again. Which is why it fills me with glee that Nick over at Celebslam called the cock-mongling little prostitute a ‘Cheap Saigon Whore‘, and when she asked for apology, called her a ‘Ho Chi Minh Whore‘. And she actually thought it was an apology. *Face-Palm*
I’d like to personally apologize to each and every one of them for using the term “cheap Saigon whore” — “cheap Ho Chi Minh whore” would have been more appropriate, considering that Saigon was renamed Ho Chi Minh City after it fell to the communist North Vietnamese Army (NVA) in 1975. Again, apologies. SOURCE
And here’s the troll-slut’s response from her Twitter account:
Even though he apologized, he still tried to tone down what he wrote and pretended it wasn’t a racial slur, but he finally apologized!
I honestly don’t know what the little troll-slut is so pissed about. A “Cheap Saigon Whore”? Really? From Nick to a poorly-tattooed alien hooker, that’s practically a compliment. Hell, considering she probably launched her career using a horny donkey, a kiddie-pool full of banana pudding and a bucket of ping-pong balls, this is probably the nicest thing anyone has ever written about her!