Tina Fey’s daughter is the boss!

Tina Fey - InStyle Magazine

Because apparently, kids are the new must-have accessory for upper-management, Tina Fey has taken to using her awesome daughter to maintain control on the set of 30 Rock. Hey, if Kris Jenner can use her kids to make millions of dollars by annoying America using the three wookies she gave birth to, Tina can use her kid to get her actors in line, right?

There, the 5-year-old likes to play with actor Jack McBrayer, says her mom, who adds: “She’s also figured out that it’s funny to show people your butt.” Revealing something of the Alice-Tina dynamic, Fey, tells InStyle: “Kids are definitely the boss of you. Anyone who will barge into the room while you are on the commode is the boss of you. And when you explain to them that you’re on the commode and that they should leave but they don’t? That’s a high-level boss.” SOURCE

Ooooookay, anybody else think five-years-old might be a tiny bit young to teach your kids that showing your butt to people is a hell of a lot of fun? I mean, yeah, it totally is, but you might want to wait until they hit eighteen before you start dispensing those nuggets of wisdom.

Tina Fey - InStyle Magazine

About JEREMY FEIST 4832 Articles
Jeremy Feist is an (ahem) entertainer from Toronto, Canada. He writes, acts, and performs on stage, and has been a writer for Popbytes for almost three years now. He lives in Toronto with his boyfriend, his incredibly dumb but cute puppy, and his immortal cat.