hey boys & girls – we can all rest a little easier knowing kat(i)e holmes has no more financial worries…ever! her lawyer father martin holmes has been wrangling with cruise lawyers over what she should get moneywise! even if she never marries tom – she and baby suri are set with $15 million – if she does marry him and then they split…tom must cough up another $25 million – all this money comes out of his reported worth of $460 million…so really forty million is kind of a drop in the bucket for mr. cruise! weeee! now that all that fun financial stuff is out of the way – tomkat can move onto fighting over their varying ‘ideal’ wedding plans but surely look for tom to rule the roost on this one…her final stage of hypnotic scientology good times is due to take place around the beginning of july…
for shits & giggles i recently went to brunch with my partner in crime tabloid whore at the big scientology celebrity center right here in hollywood! oh my word – can i just say how kinda creepy it all was? the musty smell of the main hallway lined with many pics of l. ron hubbard was way more than i needed to see or smell! ron even has an office all ready for him (complete with fresh orchids) if he was ever to ‘stop by’…plus you could even buy your very own ‘e-meter’ in the bookstore which also sold the strangest looking editions of hubbard stuff – it was far from a normal bookstore…it was all just plain weird!
the food was fine but i felt kinda uncomfortable there and would never go back again – it was just something fun to do but it is certainly not something for me but i guess to each his own…at least they didn’t really try to talk to us on scientology…i actually felt they knew we weren’t serious and wanted us to leave…which was just fine by us and we hightailed it out of there! as an added creepy bonus when we were walking back to the car we heard strange group chanting and affirmations coming from their ‘sunday service’ – yikes! oh we laughed & laughed about our morning of ‘undercover’ games – i do have such fun with my tabloid whore! where will we go next for some pop kicks? who knows?!? but for now popbytes is over & out until tomorrow when i will post on two more gossipy stories!
PS huge special thanks to my pals at STAR for sending me some great content to post my thoughts on!