It’s Official: The ‘Veronica Mars’ movie is a go!

Veronica Mars

Veronica Mars

Remember back in the early days of the web, when people used to try and bring back beloved TV series like Veronica Mars and Firefly using online petitions! HA! Oh, those were the days … I don’t think a single one of those petitions actually did anything, but I’m sure they liked to think they did. Well, earlier this week, a KickStarter was launched for a Veronica Mars movie, and the movie has already been greenlit after people donated millions of dollars. Yay! Via HuffPo

Yes, the Veronica Mars movie will be out in early 2014 after shooting this summer, possibly beginning in June. As of publish time, the project has received more than $2.7 million. “I knew Veronica Mars fans were cool, but I had no idea they could rally with such power,” Kristen Bell told EW. “They are unstoppable — just like Veronica. I will have a permanent blush on my face, feeling so lucky to be associated with this entire thing.”

Thomas wrote to backers of the Veronica Mars movie that they are trying to get more big reward packages together and working out the kinks to allow international donations. When the Kickstarter was announced, both Veronica Mars and Kickstarter trended on Twitter for a good portion of the day thanks to Bell and Thomas keeping interest piqued.

Hopefully, the show will be like it was in the early seasons, if only because the later seasons kind of went … a bit weird. That being said, I am SO ready for this.

About JEREMY FEIST 5002 Articles
Jeremy Feist is an (ahem) entertainer from Toronto, Canada. He writes, acts, and performs on stage, and has been a writer for Popbytes for almost three years now. He lives in Toronto with his boyfriend, his incredibly dumb but cute puppy, and his immortal cat.