video fix: the wait is *almost* over!

oh my gosh – i’ve been totally needing my spirits lifted as of late – and this brand new GLEE promo did just that – i seriously cannot wait for this show to return to FOX on april 13th – this is hands down the best show on television right now (yes, i watched the first season three times already on DVD!) if you’re not watching – i suggest you get into it as soon as possible – i simply can’t say enough about the show – it’s almost time for us gleeks to rejoice once again! popbytes over & out for tonight … xoxo :+)

About MICHAEL KNUDSEN 5719 Articles
MK (Michael Knudsen) first started PopBytes back in September of 2003—while trying to make a website for his design portfolio, the site quickly turned into one of the premiere online destinations for all things pop culture! A native New Yorker, he currently resides in Los Angeles with his partner Ivan along with four dogs, four cats and two parrots. Follow him on Twitter @PopBytes.