Everyone better do what the lady says … vote for my gal Kirstie Alley on Dancing With The Stars. I’ve been a huge fan of hers for years now, she’s such an amazing comedic actress (she won an Emmy in fact for Cheers) and I just love her free spirt. When I first heard she was going to be on DWTS, I was a bit worried that she wouldn’t be able to bring her special brand of magic to the dance floor, but she’s actually doing amazing, even with her small mishaps, the fall and losing her shoe! Plus I adore her dancing partner, Maksim Chmerkovskiy, (he’s my mom’s favorite too) so I’ve actually been voting as much as I can each week, something I’ve never done before in previous seasons (with the exception of Lil’ Kim and Pamela Anderson). So what are you waiting for? Head over to ABC.com right now and vote!
Kirstie Alley and her DWTS parnter Maksim Chmerkovskiy were in light spirits as they pulled out the “Vote Kirstie” sign in the parking lot outside the DWTS studio in Studio City, California on April 17th, 2011.