oh i do love melanie c also forever known as ‘sporty spice’ – i came across these pics of her (taken at the ‘radio regenbogen awards’ in germany on march 31st) and i just had to laugh! she looks cute but oh lordy that outfit! she looks like a present! someone wanna pull my ribbon? i still am SO bummed out there will be no spice girls reunion but it was rumored that mel c. wouldn’t be joining the reunion anyways…and without sporty it just ain’t the same spice – it’s all the spice girls or nothing in my eyes…plus she has had the best solo career success than any of the other girls combined (at least in my humble pop opinion) – she just needs a better stylist especially in times like below…popbytes over & out for now…xxoo!
PS if you never saw the movie spice world run don’t walk to yr local video store!