oh my word! the caption to these pictures was reese witherspoon appeared quite sullen as she left a friend’s house whatever – that girl always looks like she’s pissed off and in a super bad mood! just how big is that stick is up her ass? hell – she won an academy award for best actress – and was married to hottie ryan phillipe – then she was doing it with cutie jake gyllenhaal for a long spell … i can’t see any reason why she has to appear like ‘debbie downer’ in practically every paparazzi picture taken of her! i’d tell reese to lighten the hell up and toss on a smile every once in awhile! for some reason she totally irks me – she might be a decent actress but her real-life persona is highly annoying – i know some of you guys out there must agree with me! no wonder jake’s single again (le sigh) one person can only put up with so much doom & gloom! (i have a friend that knew her back in nashville – and she had nothing nice to say about her – at all!) popbytes over & out for tonight … xoxo