Whitney Houston to seatbelt: Hell to the no!

Whitney Houston

Whitney HoustonOh Whitney Houston, what are we gonna do with you? Everyone’s favorite crusader against crack (which, by the way, is whack) boarded a Delta flight in Atlanta when she decided that then was the best moment to play the diva card and refused to put her seat belt on. To which I say: Really? This is the hill you want to die on? TMZ reports:

We’re told Whitney refused and “got diva” on the crew member … until another crew member came over and warned Houston that if she didn’t buckle up, she would have to get off the plane. Whitney eventually allowed one of the crew members to grab the buckle and fasten it for the singer — and the plane was then cleared for takeoff. Sources close to the singer tell us … Whitney “overreacted a little bit after missing an earlier flight but she’s still 100% sober and was on the way to Detroit for her first day of shooting a new movie.”

Look, I know air travel is an absolute pill and all, but … seriously? Buckling a seat belt? That’s what got to you? This was the major indignity that set you off? Come on, it’s a tiny strap of fabric that runs over your crotch. If you’re gonna go all diva in the middle of a flight, at least make it about something important, like those tiny bottles of booze they give. It’s like bitch, for reals? How am I supposed to get mid-air shitty when you’re giving me baby’s first 40? (I’m a nervous flyer. I NEED ALL THE BOOZE.)

Whitney Houston

About JEREMY FEIST 5002 Articles
Jeremy Feist is an (ahem) entertainer from Toronto, Canada. He writes, acts, and performs on stage, and has been a writer for Popbytes for almost three years now. He lives in Toronto with his boyfriend, his incredibly dumb but cute puppy, and his immortal cat.