Who are the least trusted movie stars in America?

Kristen Stewart

Kristen Stewart

Every year, Reader’s Digest puts together a list of the most trusted and least trusted movie stars based on votes by their readers. This year, the “honor” of least trusted movie stars in America went to Kristen Stewart (probably because she cheated on her boyfriend with the married director of one of her movies) and Tom Cruise (probably because … actually, you know what? Not even going to go there. Nope. I am not the one.) Entertainment Tonight reports …

According to their results, Kristen Stewart received the lowest trust score (24%) amongst all of the movie stars who made the list, despite her status as one of the highest-paid stars in Hollywood. And who’s the least trusted male star who made the list? Tom Cruise, who scored just 27 percent. Not surprisingly, popular celebs Tom Hanks and Sandra Bullock received the highest scores (65% and 63% respectively), with Denzel Washington and Meryl Streep not trailing far behind (62% and 61%).

Well, Tom doesn’t really have much to worry about, as he has the film career to back him up. Kristen on the other hand may be slightly more screwed here. All her eggs are in the Twilight basket, and now that that’s gone, she doesn’t really have a lot going for her, unless there’s a sudden boost in roles involving sullen mopiness.

About JEREMY FEIST 4970 Articles
Jeremy Feist is an (ahem) entertainer from Toronto, Canada. He writes, acts, and performs on stage, and has been a writer for Popbytes for almost three years now. He lives in Toronto with his boyfriend, his incredibly dumb but cute puppy, and his immortal cat.