hey hey! i simply had to do a post about this new reality show premiering tomorrow night over on VH1 called glam god (watch the trailer below) with host & judge vivica a. fox – because of course i do love all things related to fashion & style BUT one of my dear friends (and fellow long islander) from college jess zaino (adorably pictured below with the heart shaped glasses) is one of the people competing in hair, make up and wardrobe to be crowned a new ‘glam god’ along with winning $100,000 and a career boost! week after week one star stylist hopeful will be eliminated by ms. fox with help from celebrity stylist cutie phillip bloch and us weekly’s melanie bromley – i can’t wait to see my pal jess kick some ass – she’s awesome and super nice (i do remember one very hilarious incident that happened back in college…but i’ll save that for another time…) popbytes over & out for tonight…xxoo