All the best shows get cancelled way too early. Just look at Arrested Development, or Firefly, or literally anything that Bryan Fuller has ever made other than Heroes. Well, now we can add Willam’s Beatdown featuring Willam Belli to the list. Yeah, apparently The Stylish shut down which means no more Beatdown for the foreseeable future, and now I have to go make an ugly-cry in the bathroom. From Willam’s Facebook fanpage …
My beatdown statement: Willam’s Beatdown, which was my original idea, was on a YouTube-sponsored channel that shut down after YouTube failed to renew funding. It was run by Magical Elves, a highly respected production company in LA. I was told it would be a 3 week hiatus but logistics, travel, wheat allergies and an unwillingness to compromise are preventing that. Until I do more or Beatdown finds a home, please rewatch them and keep the suggestions coming
All right, I think I have an idea on this one: We need to make Willam’s Beatdown a Netflix series. Hey, it worked for Arrested Development, are you telling me that Netflix can’t afford a backdrop and some cameras? Willam does most of the legwork anyway, all you f**kers have to do is point a camera at her and let her go off. It practically prints money. #SAVEWILLAMSBEATDOWN