Adele would go gay for Rihanna! Giggity!

Adele and Rihanna

Just in case you needed another reason to buy Adele‘s 21 (you honestly don’t. The album is amazing and if you can’t see it, you suck), Adele revealed that she loves Rihanna‘s thighs and then made a couple veiled hints that she might be willing to switch teams for RiRi. Your bunk is to the left, feel free to grab as much hand lotion and kleenex as you need.

The 22-year-old also said that her friends have claimed that they would “be gay” for the Barbadian star. She told Celebs on Sunday: “You look at someone like Rihanna and my God – her thighs make me love her. “After her X Factor performance all my girlfriends were saying, ‘I think I might be gay for Rihanna’. She’s amazing.” SOURCE

Honestly? I’d say go for it. I mean hell, considering your most famous relationship involved a talentless, violent douchebag who tried to chew off your face, perhaps the sassy British soul singer might be a better match for you. Now why don’t you two go ahead and … ummmm … fuck, what do lesbians do in bed? Rub vaginas together? That sounds boring. But then again, I’m gay, so maybe that’s the hottest thing ever.

Adele and Rihanna

About JEREMY FEIST 5002 Articles
Jeremy Feist is an (ahem) entertainer from Toronto, Canada. He writes, acts, and performs on stage, and has been a writer for Popbytes for almost three years now. He lives in Toronto with his boyfriend, his incredibly dumb but cute puppy, and his immortal cat.