Something something something Alexander Skarsgård something True Blood something something NO SOCK ON HIS PENIS! HOLY CRAP! I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHERE THIS IS GOING BUT THIS IS ALREADY THE GREATEST STORY EVER.
Alexander Skarsgård goes sockless. “I don’t want a sock around it, that feels ridiculous,” he told the magazine. “If we’re naked in the scene, then I’m naked. I’ve always been that way.”
Stephen Moyer is more modest and opts for a sock but just out of regard for others. “I’ve got nothing to hide,” he said. “I just think it might be embarrassing for the crew.”
His fiancee, Anna Paquin, wears a ‘patch’ on her privates. SOURCE
That orchestral sound you may have heard in the background was just the sky opening up and God coming down from on high to tell us all that he loves us and that in heaven, there are deep-fried Twinkies with zero calories and twice the flavour. That’s how great this story is. Go forth in peace, for the world is a place of joy and wonder and Alexander Skarsgård’s cock.