Amanda Bynes’ dad thinks she doesn’t drink?

Amanda Bynes

So last Friday, Amanda Bynes got super drunk and side-swiped a cop car, while trying to avoid it, because I’m guessing she wanted her DUI to be as ironic as it was hilarious (her lovely mugshot is below). Unfortunately, it happened on Good Friday, so everyone kind of just swept it into the ‘To Mock’ pile while we gorged ourselves on candy brought to us by a giant rabbit demon dressed as a pedophile. Anyway, Amanda’s dad has stepped into proclaim that his daughter doesn’t drink, except whoops, there’s video proof of her getting tanked out of her mind. Also, SHE PLOWED INTO A POLICE CRUISER. Via TMZ:

Despite the fact she was busted for drunk driving last week, Amanda’s father told People, “I was told that she blew a zero on the Breathalyzer. She didn’t have a single drink that night. My daughter doesn’t drink.” But TMZ knows Bynes has been frequenting the Hollywood club scene recently … and on March 22, she appeared so wasted on her way out of Greystone Manor in West Hollywood, she needed TWO FRIENDS to hold her upright so she could get to her car.

So basically, a father allowed his rich daughter to do whatever she wants as long as he keeps raking in her money, until she basically drank herself out of a career and tried to play car tag with a police officer. I feel like it’s only a matter of time before Amanda’s dad removes his rubber mask and reveals himself to actually be Michael Lohan in disguise!

Amanda Bynes

About JEREMY FEIST 5002 Articles
Jeremy Feist is an (ahem) entertainer from Toronto, Canada. He writes, acts, and performs on stage, and has been a writer for Popbytes for almost three years now. He lives in Toronto with his boyfriend, his incredibly dumb but cute puppy, and his immortal cat.