If you’re not sure who Sarah Burge is, good for you. I literally mean that without a shred of irony or sarcasm. Your life is infinitely better for not knowing who she is. But you’ve read this far, so let’s dive further down the rabbit hole: Sarah is God’s least favorite mistake. Sarah looks and sounds like what happens when you give shish-kabob a desperate need to be famous and absolutely no talent or kindness to help them achieve it. Worse yet, she gave birth to a daughter she’s currently living vicariously through, giving her coupons for plastic surgery and lobotomies.
Anyway, Anderson Cooper invited her onto his daytime talk show, only to immediately turn around on air, call her “dreadful” on LIVE TV, and send her out the door. Now here’s the thing: Anderson is a consummate professional, and a great reporter, so it’s not like he didn’t know what he was getting into. So the only reasonable conclusion is that he brought her on the show just to mock her in front of an entire country, which is SO DAMN AWESOME. Nicely done, Coops!