- Oh, would you look at that, we have a tie! Honestly, this doesn’t happen very often, and when it does it’s usually because the Box Office was having kind of an off weekend. But still, this is pretty cool. Anyway, in a tie for first place, we have Jake Gyllenhaal’s End of Watch, which was like a cop movie or something, and Jennifer Lawrence’s House at the End of The Street, which is … well, about some scary ass house at the end of the street. Both movies earned $13 Million.
So who won? Well, a closer estimate is still being waited upon, but if we do a little math, End of Watch wins this one. How? Well, End of Watch has a higher per theatre average, and a lower budget, which means that either way, End of Watch raked it in just a little bit better than HATEOTS.
- And now on to less confusing things: Trouble With The Curve was just slightly edged out by the above tie, taking in $12.7 Million. This is what happens when you put Clint Eastwood in a movie that doesn’t involve him screaming at furniture.
- Finding Nemo 3D earned another $9.4 Million, presumably from people who didn’t know they can buy it on DVD for, like, five bucks.
- Resident Evil: Retribution took a pretty massive dive from first place to dead last, earning only $6.7 Million in its second week. The good news is, it still did better than the opening weekend of the Judge Dredd reboot, which somehow opened to even less money. Which just goes to show: never open in September. This month is terrible.