Chris Brown sentenced to 90 days of anger management rehab

Chris Brown

Chris Brown

Yesterday, we found out that Chris Brown got kicked out of his last anger management rehab stint after he flew into a violent rage. Well, because it worked so well the last time, Chris has been sentenced to 90 more days of rehab, assuming he doesn’t explode like the last hundred times he was faced with any sort of adversity. TMZ reports …

We just got hold of the probation report in the Rihanna case, which outlines what happened during his 13 days in a Malibu rehab joint for anger management counseling. According to the report, Chris’ mom showed up for a family session and was urging her son to stay in the facility for extended treatment. Apparently, Chris violently disagreed with her and in a fit of anger threw a rock through her car window, shattering it. As we reported, the judge has just ordered Brown to 90 days in a facility and also ordered him to submit to drug testing.

Well, hopefully they actually get to the root of the problem here, rather than just host him for three months and hope he magically changes by the end of it. Because seriously, there’s a lot going on there: Latent misogyny and homophobia and racism, disrespect for others, sense of entitlement, inability to process criticism, overactive sense of machismo … there’s a lot under the surface that needs to be overhauled.


About JEREMY FEIST 4832 Articles
Jeremy Feist is an (ahem) entertainer from Toronto, Canada. He writes, acts, and performs on stage, and has been a writer for Popbytes for almost three years now. He lives in Toronto with his boyfriend, his incredibly dumb but cute puppy, and his immortal cat.