Courtney Stodden competed in Miss Washington Teen ’10

Courtney Stodden

It’s hilarious to see all these new items pop up about Courtney Stodden‘s past, all touting the long-ago time when Courtney was but a comely lass of 15, and then you realize that oh yeah, THAT WAS LAST YEAR. Anyway, here she is competing in the Miss Washington Teen 2010 pageant (Donald Trump needs to start his hoes off young, ya hurrrrrrd?) while RadarOnline refers to her fifteen-year-old body as sexy because … wait, WHAT?!

Just one year before marrying her 51-year-old husband, Courtney Stodden was flaunting her sexy bikini body in Donald Trump’s Miss Washington Teen USA pageant, and RadarOnline has the video. Courtney, who was 15 at the time, entered the contest as Miss Ocean Shores and showed off her attitude and assets during the Swimsuit Competition sporting a bright blue bikini. Later in the event, she modeled a long purple dress for the Evening Gown Competition.

… No. Seriously. WHAT. THE HELL. How can someone write this and think “Wait a minute … in one paragraph, I refer to her as having a sexy bikini body, and then in the next one, it turns out I’m talking about a fifteen-year-old girl. Yeah, that seems right. Not like I should turn myself in now for being a future pedophile!” Holy crap, I don’t care how sexually liberated you are. When you start referring to fifteen-year-old girls as women with “sexy bikini body”, you may or may not have a serious problem. A serious, creepy problem.

Courtney Stodden

About JEREMY FEIST 5002 Articles
Jeremy Feist is an (ahem) entertainer from Toronto, Canada. He writes, acts, and performs on stage, and has been a writer for Popbytes for almost three years now. He lives in Toronto with his boyfriend, his incredibly dumb but cute puppy, and his immortal cat.