Yeah, I’m warning you right up front here: The only thing that actually happened last night were The People’s Choice Awards (they’re just like a real awards show, except they’re not!) Which is why I’m starting off the day with a story about Courtney Love getting sued for defamation of character over something she wrote in her Twitter feed.
Simorangkir is suing the Hole frontwoman for defamation in a suit that will go to court on Jan. 18th. The tweets in question came in March 2009 after the designer demanded Love pay for her clothing bill. According to her lawyer Bryan Freedman, the comments destroyed Simorangkar’s fashion career. Love announced that the designer was a “drug-pushing prostitute with a history of assault and battery” and used the singer for her fame. “She has received a VAST amount of money from me over 40,000 dollars and I do not make people famous and get raped TOO!” Love wrote. SOURCE
Of course, the easiest defense for Courtney here is that no one actually takes her tweets seriously. Have you actually seen her verified account? It’s nothing but her getting presumably high (I really hope she’s just high …) and posting naked Twitpics of herself. I’m pretty sure if this was ever presented to a jury as evidence, they’re faces would catch on fire and melt off like those Nazis at the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark.