Look, we’ll level with you here: For some reason, anything that has to do with celebrities and porn invariably does huge numbers for some reason. I think it’s because we all secretly like to know that famous people are also not immune to the urge to grind one out after a day of work. Anyway, it turns out that Gabrielle Union is not only familiar with certain porn stars, but that she actually takes diet advice from more than a few of them. ContactMusic reports …
“I am blessed to work out at a gym that has a lot of adult-entertainment actresses, a lot of porn gals-salt of the earth! Really sweet girls,” she added. Union also told Conan O’Brien that she watches their workouts intently and attempts to copy what they do. ‘I’ve seen your work, I love it, let me get some tips’, not on that, but ’cause your butt looks great,'” she continued. “But I also compete with them and they don’t realize it. We’re basically having the ultimate Olympics. They’re just not aware that we’re in competition with each other.”
So there you have it: If you want glutes of steel, just look at what porn stars are doing and then do the exact same thing. Well, the diet and exercise stuff specifically. Everything else is just extra really.