Gaga mashup: When Love Is Born This Way

Mashup Of The Week

I’ve been so lazy in making new bootlegs, I practically had to dust the cobwebs off my mashup making machine for this one. But dust ’em off I did, and it took Lady Gaga to get me off my butt and put this one together. I was able to grab Gaga’s live acapella from her Grammy performance, and it fit hand-in-glove with David Guetta‘s When Love Takes Over. So you get a bit of Kelly Rowland in there, and a bit of Madge, too. I hope you dig the results. It’s not as wet ‘n messy as what Gaga births in her new video, but it’s certainly dancey-dancey, and well – uber gay :)

Download DJ Paul V.‘s When Love Is Born This Way
[.mp3 / 12.2mb]

Enjoy — DJ Paul V.

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PS to my LA peeps: I’ll be dropping this mashup and tons more at Bootie LA this Saturday, March 5th at The Echoplex. I’ll be joined by my LA mash buddies DJ Axel and ShyBoy, we’ve got a great promo for the new Take Me Home Tonight flick, and our fierce dance crew R.A.I.D. makes you go gaga in the Midnight Mashup Show. Come dance!

Bootie LA