garbage – bleed like me – rocks

oh kids! i so love garbage – and the oddity known as shirley manson – what a great rock & roll lady! and glamorous and hot as fire! she is simply stunning and incredible! you go girl! it’s been four years since their last outing – and let me say this album (on a popbytes advance listen) kicks complete ass – she for sure gives us reminders of debbie harry and chrissy hynde – it’s pretty raw & stunning – and the title track ‘bleed like me’ is haunting and beautiful – and surely stands out on this incredible album! it’s due in stores on april 12th – and if you visit the website you can check out the video for their first single ‘why do you love me?’


avalanche is sullen and too thin

she starves herself to rid herself of sin

and the kick is so divine when she sees bones beneath her skin

and she says:

hey baby can you bleed like me?

c’mon baby can you bleed like me

chrissie’s all dressed up and acting coy

painted like a brand new christmas toy

he’s trying to figure out if he’s a girl or he’s a boy

he says:

hey baby can you bleed like me?

c’mon baby can you bleed like me

doodle takes dad’s scissors to her skin

and when she does relief comes setting in

while she hides the scars she’s making underneath her pretty clothes

she sings:

hey baby can you bleed like me?

c’mon baby can you bleed like me

About MICHAEL KNUDSEN 5719 Articles
MK (Michael Knudsen) first started PopBytes back in September of 2003—while trying to make a website for his design portfolio, the site quickly turned into one of the premiere online destinations for all things pop culture! A native New Yorker, he currently resides in Los Angeles with his partner Ivan along with four dogs, four cats and two parrots. Follow him on Twitter @PopBytes.