So That Tequila Bitch was driving her new Lamborghini down the street (how many back alley handjobs did you have to give to pay for that one, sweetie?) when she got pulled over for driving the wrong way down a one-way street. Way to use those mogul brains, dumbass! Anyway, not only did someone get the whole thing on camera, but they heckled her the entire time the cops were writing up her ticket. HA!
It all went down at around 1:50 AM in Santa Barbara — where Tila was pulled over while driving a brand new, bright blue, $250,000 Lamborghini. Unlucky for Tila, some bigmouthed bystanders recorded themselves as they shouted back and forth with the starlet — heckling her about everything from crappy driving … to Shawne Merriman … and much, much more. SOURCE
Once again, I would LOVE to post the video, but TMZ doesn’t have any embed codes … *Sad Panda* But whatever, you can watch it if you want, or we can all just think about the fact that the poorly-tattooed coke-whore midget got a ticket for being a dumb ass, and remember that there is justice in the universe!