… Well, sort of. The good news is that Justin Timberlake will be playing gay for an upcoming project. The downside: It’s going to be for The Cleveland Show, a show so awful I am literally unable to watch it without flinging my remote at the TV while my eyeballs bleed. Soooooo … Well, you take the good and you take the overwhelmingly bad.
The new Us Weekly reports the singer, 29, will voice a gay character in an episode of Fox’s cartoon comedy The Cleveland Show. “Terry [voiced by Jason Sudeikis] falls in love with a guy voiced by Justin,” show creator Rich Appel told Us Weekly during Comic-Con in San Diego. “Justin is just hysterical!” SOURCE
Yeah, the guy who used to have bleach-blond brillo-pad hair and rose to fame with N*Sync will be playing gay? … Yeah, that sounds about right. Somewhere out there, I’m hoping Lance Bass is giving him gay tips. You know, no white after Labour Day, how to secretly judge straight men who wear Ed Hardy … Stuff like that.