Because of fucking course she was, a friend of the now deceased Dr. Frank Ryan is coming forward, saying that Heidi Montag was actually in love with her doctor, that she wanted to physically turn herself into a Barbie Doll, and that Dr. Ryan was actually killed by his evil twin brother after seducing Heidi during a wedding! *Dramatic Organ Sting* Okay, I made that last one up, but it fits, doesn’t it?
Heidi Montag found love with Spencer Pratt, but she had a secret crush that bordered on an obsession with the late doc who transformed her body with a jaw-dropping 10 plastic surgeries in a single day. That’s the stunning charge being made by one of Dr. Frank Ryan’s closest pals, in the wake of The Hills‘ starlet’s claim that he pressured her into the makeover.
“I believe she had a crush on him,” the celebrity plastic surgeon’s long-time friend Dawn DaLuise told in an exclusive interview. She added: “I believe she was romantically obsessed with him… she saw him as a night in shining armor.”
But according to Heidi, Dr. Ryan – who died in a tragic car accident after his Jeep fell from a cliff in Malibu – wanted her “to be his Barbie doll”. DaLuise said it was Heidi who made the Barbie declaration, and the doc was forced to spurn her advances!
“He sent texts and emails to friends saying that she wanted to be a Barbie, she wanted to look exactly like a Barbie,” DaLuise said. The doctor even tried to talk Heidi out of her unending quest for perfection, which included having her breast implants increased to DDDs, a brow lift, a nose job revision, lipo on her stomach and thighs and a butt augmentation, among other things.
“He presented why he didn’t think this was a good idea,” DaLuise said. DaLuise shot back at Montag after she trash talked the dead surgeon, suggesting she was a publicity seeking opportunist who used the death of Dr. Ryan in a desperate bid to stay famous. SOURCE
On one hand, I have no doubt in my mind that Dr. Ryan was in no way the baby animal healing Jesus doctor he’s being made out to be here, because if you’re willing to perform ten plastic surgeries on someone in one day, you’re probably just a douche. That being said, I also have no doubt in my mind that Heidi would voluntarily allow someone to remove her internal organs and replace them with candy if it meant she would land the cover of Pinata Quarterly, so clearly this is a case of famewhore meets famewhore.