I must have ESP or something, because last October when Jessica Simpson announced she was going to be a “mummy” I told anyone who would listen how she could make a mint by simply losing her baby weight. She did everything I said; made $3 million dollars and lost 60 pounds. I can’t get you a contract with Weight Watchers, but I can tell you how to drop the weight in the same time frame.
Us Weekly says she’s using the PointsPlus program and doing four-times-a-week training sessions. Most people lose about one pound a week following by counting calories and exercising regularly. Sixty pounds in five months is three pounds a week. So how is Jessica maximizing her weight loss?
- Avoid sugars, rather than cutting carbs. You need carbs (veggies, grains) to fuel workouts, but you’re probably getting way too much sugar.
- Effective workouts with little rest in-between exercises, combining weight training and high intensity cardio. (Hire a trainer!)
- Be effective with your time. Research shows 30 minutes of activity 3 times a week makes significant changes to the body. Despite conventional wisdom that more is more, research also finds that sessions an hour or longer don’t have a significant difference — because at a certain point you begin to burn muscle, not fat.
- Prioritize your muscles. Given your time each week, dedicate more hours to resistance training over cardio. (This is why Jessica’s legs look muscular, not just “thin”)
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