well hello hello hello! the long weekend is almost over which is a total bummer but with xmas & new years around the corner – it should be fairly smooth sailing from here on out! i didn’t do much today…i watched superman II on DVD which is getting re-released as a special cut by original director richard donner! (there is a ton of info about the release over on wikipedia) it was great and the restoration looked incredible but overall it made me miss our dear christopher reeve and poor margot kidder who has had many woes since those days of playing ‘lois lane’ but i did love seeing marlon brando (gosh he was SO damn hot when he was young – meow!) as superman’s father ‘jor-el’ who gets more screen time in newly added sequences!
then i headed to the beverly center to do a little shopping which didn’t go down as planned…i’m either in the mood to shop or i just want to leave and today i elected for the latter! although the puppies were so super adorable (especially this one maltese) at the pet shop which is always a must stop when you hit the mall here! (but i don’t endorse getting pets there at all – please head to your local shelter!)
i was thinking what to post on tonight and then i realized i wanted to mention how much i like (noticed i said like instead of love) the new gwen stefani album called the sweet escape which lands in stores a week from tuesday (dec 5th) it’s not nearly as good as her first solo album love.angel.music.baby but for a sophomore effort it’s quite decent! i will say if you are not a fan of ms. stefani – this album won’t be the one to turn you on (it would probably annoy you more than anything) but if you are gwen-ite (like myself) i think you will find her ‘sweet escape’ a good time!
finally i’m thrilled that gwen is wanting to head back to the studio to record a new album with no doubt! it needs to be fucking hot and i think (hope) the gang can swing it! i would love to share a song from gwen’s latest solo effort but i know trouble would ensue and it comes out next week anyways but once i find a streaming link i’ll post it here – long live ms. stefani! popbytes over & out for tonight – xxoo!
PS i’ve added the video below for ms. stefani’s recent performance of her first single wind it up over on UK’s jonathan ross show – this song is one that must grow on you…
UPDATE the good folks over at AOL have posted a streaming link for gwen’s album…go have a listen!