I’m not sure if you know this, but Take Back The Night is the name of a huge anti-rape and anti-sexual violence group. It also happens to be the name of Justin Timberlake‘s latest single. You can see how that might be confusing, right? Well, turns out Justin didn’t realize this when he named the song, and now he could be facing a potential lawsuit. Via DigitalSpy …
She said: “Everyone at Take Back the Night is really shocked, because normally, we get asked when people want to use the name. Normally entities as large as Justin Timberlake do very kind and thoughtful things to support our cause.”
Koestner added that the foundation are concerned that the popularity of the song will make it more difficult to find information about them on sites such as Wikipedia. “We have some big concerns,” she said. “For example, all of a sudden on Wikipedia, Take Back the Night has a different definition. That’s not been helpful.”
Once again, do celebrities use a different version of Google than the rest of us? Because I literally can’t do anything without Googling it first. Last night I actually Googled to make sure that watermelon isn’t toxic to dogs. It wasn’t, thank God, but apparently it’ll give my Harley a bad case of the squirts. My point being that if you have enough time to write an entire album, you have time to Google.