Kanye West and Kris Jenner hate each other

Kanye West and Kris Jenner

Kanye West and Kris Jenner

Kanye West is a wildly unpredictable musician with an inflated ego and some pretty strict expectations as to how people should and will treat him. Kris Jenner is a shameless, calculating opportunist who is absolutely terrible at expressing any human emotion other than “I like money.” Naturally, this can only end with Kanye openly despising Kris while Kris tries to play it off because every time she sees Kanye, her eyeballs turn into dollar signs. Of course, this is exactly what happened when a reporter from W magazine stopped by just as Kanye was playing a new song for Kris …

He plays her some of his unfinished songs, including “Awesome,” which is clearly about Kim. When she exclaims, “Great job!” West doesn’t find it as flattering as Jenner evidently intended. He raises his eyebrows. “Great job?” he says and sets off on a comic riff that cracks up everyone in the room. Toasting with his champagne glass, he says, “Great job, Baccarat, for making a glass that can hold liquid!” He looks down at his waist. “Great job, belt loops, for keeping my pants up!” Jenner laughs off the mockery but soon is ready to leave. Hugging West goodbye, she tells him, “I love you. You know where to find us, at the George V. Call us tomorrow, if you want.” It seems apparent to everyone, including Jenner, that West will not call.

Well of course they hate each other. Kanye isn’t exactly known for his genteel nature, while Kris’ personality is about as real as her [insert literally any part of Kris’ body here. Or any part of daughters’ body. Or Bruce Jenner’s face.] Every time Kris is in the same room as Kanye, I’m surprised he doesn’t try to use a logic loop on her.

Kanye: Oh no, an evil cat monster android!
Kris: Thanks, I try.
Kanye: Quick, someone lead her into a circular room and ask her to stand in a corner!
Kris: Silly Kanye. I had my brain removed in the early 90’s. My skull is mostly used to store excess skin after facelifts.

About JEREMY FEIST 4832 Articles
Jeremy Feist is an (ahem) entertainer from Toronto, Canada. He writes, acts, and performs on stage, and has been a writer for Popbytes for almost three years now. He lives in Toronto with his boyfriend, his incredibly dumb but cute puppy, and his immortal cat.