Kanye West is Steve Jobs now?

Kanye West

You know, for a while there it seemed like Kanye West was holding out on us when it came to his crazy ass rants that are pretty much the only reason why we write about him (rants = easy punchlines. I go where the funny is, people.) In a brand new rant, Kanye talks about how he’s the new Steve Jobs, and how he will UNITE ALL THE GENIUSES to help save the world with schools run by Spike Jonze. Or something. The Huffington Post reports:

Called Donda, after his late mother, West revealed that its goal will be to “make products and experiences that people want and can afford,” “to help simplify and aesthetically improve everything we see hear, touch, taste and feel,” and “dream of, create, advertise and produce products driven equally by emotional want and utilitarian need.. To marry our wants and needs.”

It will be comprised, West tweeted, of over 22 divisions staffed by “architects, graphic designers, directors musicians, producers, AnRs, writers, publicist, social media experts, app guys, managers, car designers, clothing designers, DJs, video game designers, publishers, tech guys, lawyers, bankers, nutritionists, doctors, scientists and teachers.”

Specifically, West wrote that one of Donda’s “projects to be released this year [is] called 2016 OLYMPIC’s … It’s a semi sic-fi since 2016 is only 4 years away,” which presumably means that it will be a movie. West also disclosed that he was in talks to become the creative director of the “Jetsons” movie, and wants to design the MTV Awards, which probably means the VMAs.

Which is all well and good, but I’m not sure how he’s going to be able to hire anyone when he’s deathly afraid of business cards. “I’d love to hire you, but unfortunately, you tried to murder me with your business card. My genius is too great to be held down by the haters and the business cards. They are the shurikens of the business world. They were invented by Matt Lauer to keep me from being Michael Jackson. Why can’t he let me be great?”

Kanye West

About JEREMY FEIST 5002 Articles
Jeremy Feist is an (ahem) entertainer from Toronto, Canada. He writes, acts, and performs on stage, and has been a writer for Popbytes for almost three years now. He lives in Toronto with his boyfriend, his incredibly dumb but cute puppy, and his immortal cat.