Kate Gosselin is sharing her economic wisdom!

Kate Gosselin

Some of you might remember a couple months ago, Kate Gosselin whined about how she had no money because her only skills included being shrill and nothing and she refused to work any job that didn’t involve her getting paid to do nothing because actually earning your money was, and I’m quoting this bitch, mediocre. Well, CouponCabin saw that and thought “yes, this is the voice that should be teaching working mothers financial advice” and started her on a job as a blogger yesterday. RadarOnline reports:

Kate, 36, will serve as a regularly contributing blogger who will give readers money-saving advice and shopping tips. After Kate Plus 8 was dropped from TLC, the Philadelphia mother was forced to enter the working world to support her family. According to insiders, Kate met with the CouponCabin account team on Wednesday to “discuss creating exclusive coupons, blog ideas and money lessons that Kate has learned over the years.”

Oh, seriously? This is the bitch you’re going to hang your hat on? She has all the money skills of Silvio Berlusconi (awwwwwww snap, no I di’int!) and you want her to share all the economic wisdom she gained from being paid to do jackshit for seven years? “All right everyone, today I’m going to teach you all how to turn the things that fall out of your vagina into a short-term lucrative gig with no long-term returns that will eventually bleed any money you do manage to squeeze out of them dry!” is probably the first lesson in her course, Financial Planning and your Clown-Car Vagina 101.

Kate Gosselin

About JEREMY FEIST 4970 Articles
Jeremy Feist is an (ahem) entertainer from Toronto, Canada. He writes, acts, and performs on stage, and has been a writer for Popbytes for almost three years now. He lives in Toronto with his boyfriend, his incredibly dumb but cute puppy, and his immortal cat.