Katy Perry has great parents!

Katy perry and Mary Perry Hudson

So remember a couple days ago how it was reported that Katy Perry‘s parents couldn’t talk to TMZ about her divorce, and I just assumed she got a non-disclosure agreement on them? Well, it turns out that her parents were actually just saving the whole rampant-exploitation-of-our-daughter’s-personal-life-for-the-sake-of-self-promotion bit for their ministry, because Katy’s mom has reportedly been beating that one trick pony so hard, it’s practically glue at this point. The Daily Mail reports:

Katy Perry’s religious parents have managed to see something positive in the breakdown of their daughter’s one year marriage. The pair spoke about their daughter’s divorce for the first time – from the pulpit of their evangelical church which was unusually packed it seems. And the ministers suggested her split with Russell Brand was a gift sent by God – to help them fill churches. The service was held yesterday, as removal containers were seen in the grounds of the celebrity couple’s $6.5 million Hollywood Hills mansion, ready to cart away their belongings.

Mary, 63, preached to the Church on the Rise congregation in Westlake, Ohio: ‘I’m sure that Katy’s trending on the Internet was to get you here to church tonight. I mean all over the world, who knows how God is bringing them in? The most important thing is you are here and God wants to put the fire in you in 2012.’

She and husband Keith, 63, billed themselves as ‘Katy Perry’s parents in marketing materials for the event, reported CNN. They spoke for about 90 minutes to 300 worshipers in the first service since Katy’s split with the comedian on Friday. A video was shown before the Hudsons took the stage in Ohio showed them at award shows with Katy.

Once again, Katy Perry’s parents living as pure and biblically as possible, if by that you mean “Whoring out their daughter for the sake of fleeting personal gain”. At least when God sent his son to die for the sins of Man, at least he had the whole resurrection thing to back him up on that one. Katy’s parents are just pointing to her super awesome boobs and going “LOOK AT WHAT THE DEVIL DOES TO YOU!” Because people are seriously weird like that.

Katy perry and Mary Perry Hudson

About JEREMY FEIST 4832 Articles
Jeremy Feist is an (ahem) entertainer from Toronto, Canada. He writes, acts, and performs on stage, and has been a writer for Popbytes for almost three years now. He lives in Toronto with his boyfriend, his incredibly dumb but cute puppy, and his immortal cat.