Oh, how I cannot wait until this week is over so I don’t have to write about freaking Twilight again, but we’re still two days away, so just … bear with me. Anyway, last night was the Hollywood Press Screening for Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 2, which HuffPo‘s Mike Ryan decided to live blog for the sake of milking something good out of the whole thing. The highlight of the night’s awkwardness came when an audience member booed Kristen Stewart during the opening credits, because how dare she break Edward Cullen’s heart! (Who’s Robert Pattinson?)
7:05 p.m. As the lights dim, a young female lets out a very loud audible groan. Not a groan of displeasure, one of, “I physically can’t wait one more second.” I can only assume that, for Twilightfans, this is similar to when you really have to pee, but you don’t notice it that much until you’re directly in front of a urinal.
7:05 p.m. People are cheering the Twilight logo.
7:06 p.m. As Kristen Stewart’s name is displayed across the screen, one fan took this opportunity to unleash a very loud, “boo.”
7:06 p.m. A smattering of cheers for Robert Pattinson’s name.
7:06 p.m. Very loud applause for Taylor Lautner’s name. Obviously there are a lot of Abduction fans in attendance.
7:07 p.m. There’s no reaction one way or another for Michael Sheen’s name.
If you have the time, go read through the entire thing, because it’s absolutely hilarious. But for now, no more Twilight. I’m just going to go pour myself another coffee, and if anyone even so much as mentions the word “sparkles,” I’m going to jam my fingers in my ears and shout “A LA LA LA LA LA I CAN’T HEAR YOU!”