You would figure that, in the wake of a massive shooting that left dozens of young children and school teachers dead, Lady Gaga would be smart enough to retire her gun bra out of tact and respect for the victims. Except no, no she absolutely is not. Via HuffPo …
On Friday, Gaga took the stage wearing a gun bra while performing at the Rogers Arena in Vancouver, Canada for the “Born This Way Ball” tour, according to GossipCop. The bra’s cups featured two fake, plastic automatic rifles. Gaga’s gun bra triggered controversy, as she sported the questionable look just one day after Vice President Joe Biden met with Congress and the National Rifle Association (NRA) to discuss gun control legislation after 26 victims, including 20 children between the ages of 6 and 7, were killed in Newtown, Conn., on Dec. 14.
Once again, America is currently grappling with the reality that gun violence is getting worse and that the current system of gun control doesn’t line up with what is actually needed in this day and age. And it’s not like this is some minor issue no one knows about: IT’S EVERYWHERE. Seriously, until this is figured out, you’d figure she would at least have the decency to not literally fetishize assault weapons, but no. Look, Gaga, I know you’re an anti-bullying advocate — unless it’s someone she doesn’t like, in which case, go right ahead! — but you know what’s way more dangerous than bullying? Assault weapons. Assault weapons are way more dangerous than bullying.