LiLo blew off community service / therapy!

Lindsay Lohan

All right, get ready for the ultimate test to see if Lindsay Lohan can, in fact, do anything she wants and not go to jail. Not only has Lindsay been slacking on her community service, but it actually got to the point where Lindsay was FIRED from the place for skipping work and leaving early. FIRED. From a job she was required to do for FREE. Oh, and she also skipped out on her court-appointed therapy because she was busy “working” (side note: GUFFAW.) and that might be enough to send her to jail. TMZ reports:

Judge Stephanie Sautner made it clear to Lindsay during her sentence last May … she MUST see the shrink every week, but she has not.  We’re told one of her excuses is that she’s been working out of the country, but Judge Sautner made it extremely clear … work is not an excuse for failing to comply with the terms of probation. And, Judge Sautner said, if Lindsay violates any court order, she’s going to jail … period. As we first reported, it’s even worse, because Lindsay was kicked out of the Downtown Women’s Center, where Judge Sautner ordered her to perform 360 hours of community service … kicked out because she repeatedly failed to show up, and when she did she frequently did not stay the required 4 hours at a time. That’s another violation of Judge Sautner’s court order. And there’s even more bad news for Lindsay. Judge Sautner is going to be extremely unhappy when she learns how much community service Lindsay has completed. Sources connected with the Probation Department tell us, as of September 30, Lindsay logged a grand total of 21 hours, leaving 339 hours which must be completed by May 11, 2012.

In response, TMZ also reported that LiLo accused the community service workers of being mean to her which is why she was fired. Leaving aside the fact that this is the de facto excuse for every slacker loser who ever got fired from their entry-level job, how do you accuse people who work in community service of being the mean ones when you can’t even be bothered to show up for work? I’m sure this must come as a shock to Lindsay (and a few other people) but just because someone doesn’t constantly lavish you with praise doesn’t mean they’re mean to you. It simply means they have better things to do then to constantly pat you on the head.

Lindsay Lohan

About JEREMY FEIST 4970 Articles
Jeremy Feist is an (ahem) entertainer from Toronto, Canada. He writes, acts, and performs on stage, and has been a writer for Popbytes for almost three years now. He lives in Toronto with his boyfriend, his incredibly dumb but cute puppy, and his immortal cat.