Because you can really only deal with the Lohans for so long before your psyche collapses under the weight a thousand gallons of whiskey, TMZ reports that Lindsay Lohan‘s publicist Steve Honig finally quit yesterday, presumably by pointing at a picture of Lindsay, screaming “THE DEVIL! AIIIIIIIE!” and jumping out of a seventh story window.
Lindsay Lohan’s longtime publicist Steve Honig has called it quits — and TMZ has learned, it was all over tension with Lindsay’s dad. Michael Lohan tells us, he butted heads with Steve big time in the weeks leading up to his Lindsay intervention on Friday — but things came to a head over the weekend, when Steve released a statement saying Lindsay’s management team had nothing to do with Michael’s plans. Michael flipped out on Steve over the statement, calling him a “f**king liar” in a text message. Sources tell us, Steve threw in the towel last night — quitting for good — nearly two years after he signed on to be Lindsay’s publicist. Sources close to Lindsay tell us, Steve’s decision to quit had nothing to do with the actress … just her dad.
Wait, so did this Steve guy not know who the Lohans are? Honestly, you would have figured that this guy would have realized who he was dealing with long ago and run screaming from the room before any of this ever went down. Hell, most people would have smelled the gin on that family and immediately died from alcohol poisoning.